Xuan's blog

RNA drug delivery

GalNAc From the pipeline table, it is very clear that the siRNA therapeutics are using more specific GalNac for delivering to the liver. Dr. Muthiah Mano developed GalNac and received the lifetime achievement award at Oligonucleotide Therapeutics Society (OTS) in 2019. This chemical modification binds to the Asialoglycoprotein receptor that is...
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nucleic acid drugs list

List of nucleic acid drugs in clinical trials Reference Nucleic acid Name Company Nanoparticle system/ Disease Clinical trial ID number ASO Pelacarsen (AKCEA-APO(a)-LRx) Ionis, Akcea, and Novartis Gen 2+ (LICA) Hyperlipoproteinemia(a) and cardiovasc...
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siRNA lipids

lipids in patisiran The ionizable cationic lipid such as DODAP has pKa < 7 and can efficiently encapsulate negatively charged nucleic acids at low pH (pH 4) during the ethanol loading procedure. On mixing the nucleic acids with lipid in ethanol, they form inverted micelle containing nucleic acids surrounded by cationic lipid. If the mixing ...
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mRNA vaccine lipids

lipids in mRNA vaccine The mRNA vaccine contains 2 core components, the Lipid Nanoparticle (LNP) wraps the core mRNA (~4.18kb). Upon intramuscular injection, the mRNAs were taken by the immune cells and translate into covid-19 (NC_045512.2) spike protein. Both Pfizer and Moderna encodes 100% identical full length (NC_045512.2) spike protein, b...
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Bioinformatics is more than running packages

Thinking about the algorithms in packages before running the code With the development of the NGS field , now there are tons of bioinformatics packages available for data analysis. There are a lot package choices for each step of the NGS analysis. For example, tons of short sequence alignment algorithms have been developed to meet the requireme...
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